About Us

We are Wild Earth Art: a women-owned ecological art and landscape design firm based in Sonoma County. As licensed landscapers with artistic, ecological souls, we regenerate habitats, create transformative works of art, and build community through nature in the San Francisco Bay Area. We offer high-quality service to our clients, handling everything involved in designing and building our projects while centering our clients’ visions and the needs of the land.   

Sonoma County Beach Art

We exist where earth, art, and craftmanship meet.

 Our methods combine regenerative design, ecologically-minded materials, sustainable building practices, and a deep respect for the natural world. We take pride in creating extraordinary spaces and experiences that work with the earth and inspire your mind, body, and spirit.

When you choose Wild Earth Art, you get to work with: 

  • Life-long devotees of ecological regeneration, habitat restoration, and sustainable building practices 

  • Highly-creative artists who draw inspiration from nature’s forces, landscapes, beings, and plant life

  • Dependable experts with years of hands-on experience, training in multiple fields, and contractors licenses

  • Passionate teachers who are skilled in building community and engaging teams through artistic workshops

Sonoma County Gardens

We believe in cultivating health for the earth, ourselves, and each other.

In addition to our commitment to ecological regenerative practices, we also value the opportunity to create an empowering, healthy team culture, both in the office and in the field. Our team members regularly engage in leadership development, dynamic collaborations, and self care practices. 

We’re passionate about Indigenous sovereignty, racial environmental justice, and access for all to healthy food and healthy environments. A percentage of all proceeds go to organizations addressing these causes, including the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, Planting Justice, and Soul Fire Farm.

Who we are

Kelsi Anderson

Ecological Artist | Landscape Contractor | Founder

Kelsi weaves her delight for plants, wild landscapes, and creativity into her work crafting ecological artworks and gardens. In awe of the rapid regenerative qualities of healthy organic soils, pollinator plants, and holistic ecosystems, she works with these elements to regenerate vibrant habitats into our environment.  Drawing deep inspiration from nature and the landscapes that she works in, she also creates large-scale ecological art installations. She believes the imaginative qualities of these artworks – and the inviting gardens she designs – can be a catalyst to shift our perspectives and open our hearts to the intrinsic, healing properties of nature. 

Kelsi holds a BA from New York University in Environmental Studies and Fine Art, with additional technical training at Merritt Community College, Oakland, in Landscape Architecture, Horticulture + Natural Resources. A lifelong student of the earth and spirit, she has additional trainings in ecological stewardship and permaculture design, leadership coaching, nature connection practices, and yoga. Kelsi is a licensed landscape contractor with the Contractors State License Board.

Julia Bell

Ecological Designer | Artist | Horticulturist

Julia is passionate about the dynamic fields of landscape and floral design, fusing fine art with horticultural design in residential, educational, and commercial settings. Julia has been immersed in ecological landscape design and restoration in the Bay Area for the past 20 years. Her background in fine art, design, and botany fuse with a love for California’s wildlands. She sees her work as living sculptures that are part of the greater ecosystem. Julia enjoys the rich collaborative process among clients, fellow workers, horticulturalists, contractors, and craftspeople that propels each project through to a successful ecological landscape.

Her formal education from UCSC in Art and Biology and supplemental classes in Landscape Design & Architecture, Horticulture, Engineering Technology, and Graphic Design from Cabrillo and West Valley College have provided a solid backdrop for continual ongoing studies. Julia’s special interests include California native plants, water harvesting, resource conservation, pollinator attraction (birds, butterflies & bees), edible/usable gardens, succulents, Permaculture, and living sculpture. Among her many projects, Julia is also raising an incredible nature-appreciating baby, and stewarding the land in the Soquel Hills.

Stephanie McKenna

Systems Manager + Assistant Designer

Stephanie is obsessed with plants. Her background in wedding stationery, botanical illustration, and fine art infuse with her love of the wild world in her approach to garden design. A lifelong guest on Ohlone Land, Stephanie has grown up with a deep appreciation for California landscapes and ecosystems, and she enjoys deepening her knowledge of local watersheds, native plant communities, and the beings who depend on them.

Stephanie has a BFA in Graphic Design from California College of the Arts, and she is currently working through the Horticulture program at Merritt Community College. She also holds additional training in ecological restoration, fire resilience, permaculture, herbalism, and spiritual ecology, and she is very passionate about environmental and social justice. In her free time, she loves working with her hands–stewarding her North Oakland garden, knitting, and learning to weave. She volunteers with the East Bay California Native Plant Society, helping to conserve California’s native ecosystems.

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